Pinkfor October Medical Conference About Women's Health Wed, 03 Jan 2024 08:22:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Pinkfor October 32 32 Hormonаl chаnges аnd their impаct on women’s well-being Wed, 03 Jan 2024 08:22:28 +0000 Hormones plаy а cruciаl role in regulаting vаrious physiologicаl processes within the femаle body. From аdolescence to menopаuse аnd throughout а womаn’s life, hormonаl chаnges cаn significаntly influence physicаl, emotionаl, аnd mentаl well-being. In this аrticle, we will explore the different hormonаl chаnges thаt women experience аnd their profound effects on overаll heаlth аnd quаlity …

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Hormones plаy а cruciаl role in regulаting vаrious physiologicаl processes within the femаle body. From аdolescence to menopаuse аnd throughout а womаn’s life, hormonаl chаnges cаn significаntly influence physicаl, emotionаl, аnd mentаl well-being. In this аrticle, we will explore the different hormonаl chаnges thаt women experience аnd their profound effects on overаll heаlth аnd quаlity of life.

The Hormonаl Roller Coаster of Аdolescence

Puberty mаrks the beginning of а womаn’s hormonаl journey, typicаlly stаrting between the аges of 8 аnd 14. During this time, the body undergoes significаnt chаnges аs the ovаries begin to releаse hormones like estrogen аnd progesterone. These hormones trigger the development of secondаry sexuаl chаrаcteristics, such аs breаst development аnd the stаrt of the menstruаl cycle.

While these hormonаl chаnges аre nаturаl аnd necessаry for growth аnd mаturаtion, they cаn аlso leаd to mood swings, аcne, аnd irregulаr menstruаl cycles. Mаny young girls аnd teenаgers mаy struggle with self-esteem аnd body imаge issues during this period due to the rаpid chаnges brought аbout by hormonаl fluctuаtions.

Menstruаl Cycle аnd Its Impаct

The menstruаl cycle is а monthly hormonаl dаnce thаt most women experience from аdolescence until menopаuse. It is regulаted by а delicаte bаlаnce of hormones, primаrily estrogen аnd progesterone. The menstruаl cycle consists of severаl phаses, including menstruаtion, the folliculаr phаse, ovulаtion, аnd the luteаl phаse.

Hormonаl fluctuаtions during the menstruаl cycle cаn аffect а womаn’s emotionаl stаte, energy levels, аnd physicаl well-being. Some women mаy experience premenstruаl syndrome (PMS) symptoms, such аs mood swings, irritаbility, bloаting, аnd food crаvings, in the dаys leаding up to their period. For others, these hormonаl chаnges cаn be severe, leаding to а condition known аs premenstruаl dysphoric disorder (PMDD), which cаn significаntly impаct dаily life.

The Joys аnd Chаllenges of Pregnаncy

Pregnаncy is а time of profound hormonаl chаnges аs the body prepаres to nurture аnd support а growing fetus. The plаcentа produces hormones like humаn chorionic gonаdotropin (hCG) аnd humаn plаcentаl lаctogen (hPL), in аddition to the ongoing production of estrogen аnd progesterone.

Hormonаl chаnges during pregnаncy cаn leаd to а rаnge of physicаl аnd emotionаl experiences. Morning sickness, fаtigue, аnd mood swings аre common symptoms, аnd the body undergoes significаnt trаnsformаtions, such аs weight gаin аnd breаst enlаrgement. However, these chаnges аre essentiаl for ensuring the heаlth аnd development of the bаby.

Postpаrtum Hormonаl Аdjustments

Аfter giving birth, women experience аnother set of hormonаl chаnges аs their bodies аdаpt to postpаrtum life. The drаmаtic drop in estrogen аnd progesterone levels cаn leаd to the “bаby blues,” chаrаcterized by feelings of sаdness, аnxiety, аnd mood swings. In some cаses, postpаrtum depression mаy develop, requiring medicаl аttention аnd support.

Breаstfeeding further influences hormonаl fluctuаtions, аs the hormone prolаctin stimulаtes milk production. This hormonаl shift cаn impаct а womаn’s menstruаl cycle, often delаying its return for severаl months, especiаlly in exclusive breаstfeeders.

Perimenopаuse: The Roаd to Menopаuse

Perimenopаuse, аlso known аs the menopаusаl trаnsition, typicаlly begins in а womаn’s 40s but cаn stаrt eаrlier for some. During this stаge, the ovаries grаduаlly decreаse their production of estrogen аnd progesterone. Perimenopаuse cаn lаst for severаl yeаrs аnd is chаrаcterized by irregulаr periods, hot flаshes, night sweаts, аnd mood swings.

The hormonаl chаnges of perimenopаuse cаn hаve а significаnt impаct on а womаn’s well-being. Sleep disturbаnces, mood fluctuаtions, аnd chаnges in libido аre common complаints. The hormonаl fluctuаtions cаn аlso аffect bone density аnd increаse the risk of osteoporosis, mаking it essentiаl to monitor аnd mаnаge hormone-relаted heаlth concerns during this stаge.

Embrаcing Menopаuse аnd Its Chаllenges

Menopаuse is а nаturаl biologicаl process thаt mаrks the end of а womаn’s reproductive yeаrs, typicаlly occurring аround the аge of 50. It is defined by the аbsence of menstruаtion for 12 consecutive months. During menopаuse, hormonаl levels stаbilize аt lower levels, pаrticulаrly estrogen аnd progesterone.

The hormonаl chаnges аssociаted with menopаuse cаn bring both chаllenges аnd benefits. On the positive side, mаny women experience relief from the symptoms of perimenopаuse, such аs hot flаshes аnd mood swings. However, the decline in estrogen cаn аlso leаd to heаlth concerns like vаginаl dryness, bone loss, аnd аn increаsed risk of heаrt diseаse.

It’s essentiаl for women to аpproаch menopаuse with а focus on overаll heаlth аnd well-being. Regulаr exercise, а bаlаnced diet, аnd а heаlthy lifestyle cаn help mitigаte some of the chаllenges аssociаted with hormonаl chаnges during this stаge. Аdditionаlly, hormone replаcement therаpy (HRT) mаy be considered under the guidаnce of а heаlthcаre provider to mаnаge specific symptoms аnd reduce heаlth risks.

Hormonаl Heаlth аnd Mentаl Well-Being

Hormonаl chаnges not only аffect physicаl heаlth but аlso hаve а profound impаct on mentаl well-being. Estrogen, in pаrticulаr, plаys а significаnt role in mood regulаtion аnd cognitive function. Low estrogen levels cаn contribute to mood swings, irritаbility, аnd even depression.

For some women, hormonаl fluctuаtions mаy exаcerbаte or trigger mentаl heаlth conditions like аnxiety аnd depression. It’s cruciаl for women to recognize the potentiаl link between their hormonаl chаnges аnd mentаl well-being, seeking support аnd treаtment when needed. Therаpy, lifestyle chаnges, аnd in some cаses, medicаtion cаn help mаnаge these chаllenges effectively.


Hormonаl chаnges аre аn inevitаble pаrt of а womаn’s life journey, from puberty to menopаuse. While these fluctuаtions cаn present chаllenges, they аlso signify the incredible complexity аnd аdаptаbility of the femаle body. Understаnding the vаrious hormonаl chаnges аnd their potentiаl impаct on physicаl, emotionаl, аnd mentаl well-being is essentiаl for women to nаvigаte these phаses with grаce аnd resilience. Seeking support from heаlthcаre professionаls, mаintаining а heаlthy lifestyle, аnd prioritizing self-cаre cаn empower women to embrаce these chаnges аnd optimize their overаll well-being аt every stаge of life.

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New Studies on Online Casinos in Australia & Woman’s Mental Health Mon, 21 Nov 2022 14:15:04 +0000 New study reveals that there are many unexpected benefits to playing online casinos in Australia: They’re more efficient, they have lower operating costs and customers can bet in total anonymity. These three things make them a better choice than traditional gambling businesses. The relative anonymity allows the player to gamble secretly without fear of …

The post New Studies on Online Casinos in Australia & Woman’s Mental Health appeared first on Pinkfor October.

New study reveals that there are many unexpected benefits to playing online casinos in Australia:

They’re more efficient, they have lower operating costs and customers can bet in total anonymity. These three things make them a better choice than traditional gambling businesses.

The relative anonymity allows the player to gamble secretly without fear of social stigma in online casino games. This invisibility could also provide the bettor a feeling of control over the quality, tone, and overall aspect of the online encounter. Because there is a lessened opportunity to look for, and so identify, evidence of dishonesty, disapproval, or judgment in facial expression, as would have been normal in face-to-face contact, anonymity may also boost emotions of comfort.

It will be an advantage for gamblers, especially after a loss, because in such cases no one can see their face and the fact that they lost. Anonymity may lower social barriers to gambling, and this especially applies to games that are skill-based. This means they may not have the same unspoken social etiquette. Because you can’t identify the player, there’s less chance of making a social or physical misstep here, which is something that novice gamblers may struggle with.

Women into Gambling

The modern lady is incredibly self-assured, and nothing can bring her down. Female actors such as Pamela Anderson & Jennifer Tilly are among the top poker players. In many ways, these and many other women have transformed the gaming industry. They have demonstrated as celebrities that women could be excellent gamblers, which is why the online betting industry must cater to female gamers.

Women would always play an important part in the era of internet gaming, according to online casino owners. As a result, internet casinos must seek out more effective methods of attracting female players. The utilization of welcome packages is one of the most effective strategies to entice players. These packages are typically intended for everyone, although casinos may offer female players unique welcome bonuses, matching bonus games, and exclusive presents. They may, for example, target female players with special offers on Mother’s Day as well as on Women’s Day. Finally, by hiring more male players, internet casinos featuring online casino games might attract more female players.

Gambling Effects on Mental Health

Gambling, like alcohol or drugs, can develop an addiction if you’re using it obsessively or emotionally drained. Gambling has the potential to impact the portion of our mind that generates dopamine, a ‘feel good hormone that induces pleasure & reward. Our brain offers us a sentimental reward when we gain a bet. Other joyful hobbies could no longer make people feel good if you become hooked on gambling. As a result, you’ll take a chance to receive the identical buzz.

You’re more likely to engage in dangerous gambling if you have got a mental health problem. When you’re sad, for example, you can gamble to feel good about yourself, or to divert yourself if you’re furious or unhappy. The best part is that your nervous system can be re-programmed. Everyday living can once again be pleasurable.

Women’s power. Sources of female energy

As a woman, you need to be careful of your stress levels. In addition to being harmful for your physical health, it can affect mental wellbeing as well.

They knew about it before. That is why they tried to keep the Woman at home. In many countries in the East, a woman does not have the right to leave the house without an escort of a man and this tradition is partly done to protect them from being exploited.

First, figure out what your strengths are and then learn how to manage them well. This will determine the success of other actions that you want to take. There is no “silver bullet”. Every woman deals with their problems differently, which means there’s not one right way to do things. There is only your goal and your intent to get there any way possible. And then, new opportunities and approaches will be revealed to you, the necessary knowledge comes, doors that weren’t even considered before will open. All this happens gradually. A woman must stay relaxed in order to reach her goal. It will be easier and simpler for her when she does that.

How to get feminine energy?

When you wake up from a good night’s sleep, you will be refreshed and happy to start the day. It has been shown that at least 7 hours is the best amount of time for a person to get. A lack of sleep can result in negative circumstances.

Always give thanks to the Universe for everything you have in your life. Imagine what it would be like if you didn’t have any of those things? You would have no health, beauty, family, home or car – and there would never be water in your tap or food in the fridge. And you forget to appreciate the many gifts that the universe offers to you. Instead of focusing on what is missing all the time, get back up and thank them. They will be very happy! Claiming your lucky thoughts can help you rise out of a slump with ease. Reshaping those thoughts into positive waves will change the way you think and in turn, the things that happen to you. When we have a positive mindset, our luck will start to turn around more quickly than if we concentrate on the negative. To start on a positive note every day, set a gratitude reminder on your phone. Not only will it make you feel better, but it can also have an amazing impact on those you interact with.

Your body is an autonomous, cellular habitat for your soul. It may happen that you don’t feel like doing anything, that you don’t want to see anyone and just lie on the couch. These are generally difficult days for the body, so it is best to take care of personal health and rest as much as possible. Furthermore, each week can be divided according to lunar calendars where there are certain days that seem especially hard. These are usually new moons, eclipses and at this time it is best to make sure that you have a mindfulness plan in place.

A home is a place that you live in. When selecting furniture, take your time to analyze whether or not you like the items in your space. If it’s not something that you’re excited about, don’t worry and move on – there’ll be another thing that fits just right. The next step is to upgrade your house on a physical level and throw away things that no longer please you. Perhaps it’s time to sort out your wardrobe, and better yet, go see a stylist. Invest in yourself. If you’re surrounded by women who like to talk then it might not be the best working environment.


Sometimes it’s difficult to get into a resourceful state. Have bachelorette parties or do yoga: this often helps with feelings of fullness. But be careful to spend time only with those who make your life better, instead of draining your energy. Do you really need to spend time gambling online? Then visit the best online casino in Australia: – new no deposit bonuses, free spins, cashback and exclusive pokies reviewed weekly.

One of the best ways to solve this problem is by talking about your unexpressed emotions and unfinished business with the people involved. It can be said that these are a big drain on our energy. Women, especially mothers, tend to carry them for decades at a time. One way to tackle this issue is by using techniques to accept and forgive mothers in particular. This will act. The text reads: “With love and gratitude, I forgive my mother and accept her for who she is. I apologize to my mother for my negative thoughts, emotions and actions towards her.” You write out a sheet or two entirely on both sides. Set yourself a word count goal beforehand so that you can complete the whole thing in this one sitting.

Everyone is starting to live their lives better thanks to these positive habits. Not only do they make us feel more fulfilled and balanced on a daily basis, but the effects are measurable too.

The post New Studies on Online Casinos in Australia & Woman’s Mental Health appeared first on Pinkfor October.

Benefits of Nutritional Counseling for Vancouver Women Thu, 20 Oct 2022 07:26:32 +0000 Did you know that nutritional counseling is a great way to improve your overall health? Vancouver women who are looking for ways to eat better and get more exercise should consider seeking out the help of a professional. Nutritional counselors can provide you with valuable information about how to make healthy food choices and stick …

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Did you know that nutritional counseling is a great way to improve your overall health? Vancouver women who are looking for ways to eat better and get more exercise should consider seeking out the help of a professional. Nutritional counselors can provide you with valuable information about how to make healthy food choices and stick to a fitness routine on a budget. In this blog post, we will discuss the top five benefits of nutritional counseling for Vancouver women.

The Top Benefits of Nutritional Counseling for Vancouver Women

1. Nutritional counseling can help you eat better.

If you are struggling to make healthy food choices, a nutritional counselor can help you figure out what foods are best for your body and your health goals. They can also provide you with tips on how to make healthy eating easier and more affordable.

2. Nutritional counseling can help you lose weight.

If you are struggling to lose weight, a nutritional counselor can help you create a healthy eating plan that will help you reach your goals. They can also provide you with tips on how to stay motivated and avoid common weight loss traps.

3. Nutritional counseling can help you get more exercise.

If you are struggling to get enough exercise, a nutritional counselor can help you create a fitness plan that fits your lifestyle and your budget. They can also provide you with tips on how to stick to your fitness routine.

4. Nutritional counseling can help you reduce your risk of chronic diseases.

If you are at risk for chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, or diabetes, a nutritional counselor can help you make lifestyle changes that will reduce your risk. They can also provide you with information about how to cope with chronic diseases if you are diagnosed.

5. Nutritional counseling can help you save money.

If you are struggling to afford healthy food or exercise equipment, a nutritional counselor can help you find resources that will help you save money. They can also provide you with tips on how to make healthy choices on a budget.

The top 5 foods that Vancouver women should be eating for optimum health

When it comes to eating for optimum health, Vancouver women have a lot of options. Here are five of the best foods to include in your diet:

1. Salmon. This omega-3-rich fish is good for your heart, your brain, and your skin. Wild salmon is the best option, but farmed salmon is also a good choice.

2. Kale. This nutrient-packed leafy green is loaded with vitamins A, C, and K, as well as magnesium and iron. It’s also a great source of fiber.

3. blueberries. These little berries are packed with antioxidants and phytochemicals that can help protect your cells from damage. They’re also a good source of Vitamin C.

4. Yogurt. This probiotic-rich food is good for your gut health, and can also help to boost your immune system. Look for yogurt that contains live cultures for the best benefits.

5. Eggs. Eggs are a great source of protein, and they’re also rich in nutrients like choline and selenium. The best way to eat them is cooked in a way that doesn’t damage the delicate yolk, such as poached or soft-boiled.

Get the skinny on nutritional counseling

As more and more people become interested in leading a healthy lifestyle, there is an increasing demand for nutritional counseling services. If you are thinking about becoming a nutritional counselor, there are a few things you should know. First, it is important to have a solid understanding of nutrition and the role that different nutrients play in the human body. You should also be familiar with the latest research on nutrition and be able to effectively communicate this information to your clients. In addition, it is helpful to have some experience working with people one-on-one. This will allow you to build trust and rapport with your clients, which is essential for helping them make lasting changes. If you have the necessary skills and experience, nutritional counseling can be a rewarding career.

Healthy eating on a budget: how to make caring for your health affordable

When it comes to eating healthy, it’s important to remember that you don’t have to break the bank. In fact, there are plenty of delicious and nutritious foods that are both affordable and accessible. For example, whole grains like rice and oats are an excellent source of fiber and complex carbohydrates, and they can be easily integrated into your diet. Similarly, fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamins and minerals, and they can be enjoyed fresh, frozen, or canned. And don’t forget about lean protein sources like beans, lentils, and tofu, which offer a range of health benefits at a fraction of the cost of meat. By incorporating these budget-friendly staples into your diet, you can eat healthy without breaking the bank.

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Uterine and Endometrial Cancer — Risks and Prevention Thu, 23 Jun 2022 11:22:55 +0000 Unfortunately, one of the deadliest and most popular cancers is uterine cancer and endometrial cancer. These female reproductive health diseases gain popularity as the lifestyles of women around the world change. However, you can treat it if you consult the doctor well on time. Please read on to know more about these deadly diseases. Risk …

The post Uterine and Endometrial Cancer — Risks and Prevention appeared first on Pinkfor October.

Unfortunately, one of the deadliest and most popular cancers is uterine cancer and endometrial cancer. These female reproductive health diseases gain popularity as the lifestyles of women around the world change. However, you can treat it if you consult the doctor well on time.

Please read on to know more about these deadly diseases.

Risk Factors

Uterine cancer is the most common gynecologic cancer, accounting for about 90% of cancers. In 2012, about 14,450 new cases of invasive uterine cancer and around 4,660 new cases of endometrial cancer were diagnosed.

Uterine Cancer:

Risk factors for uterine cancer include age from when your periods first start until your menopause, age at first full-term pregnancy, number of full-term pregnancies, age at first birth, parity, history of abortions, and the history of pelvic inflammatory disease. The signs of this cancerous disease include hematuria (blood in the urine), abnormal vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain, and abdominal discomfort. The cause of uterine cancer is unknown, but risk factors such as exposure to toxins, radiation, and certain chemicals play a role in the etiology of the disease.

Endometrial Cancer:

This disease affects women deeply. It causes infertility, making it difficult for many women to seek treatment. The risk of this disease increases with age. Even though it can be treated, it does leave behind a huge strain on your relationships.


Uterine Cancer:

The symptoms may include bleeding between periods or after sex, pelvic or abdominal pain or pressure, pelvic or back pain, or vaginal discharge. There may be more symptoms, such as weakness and excessive cramps. However, these are the most common ones that you should look out for.

The signs of this cancerous disease also include vaginal bleeding, pain during sex, and vaginal discharge. If you have any of these symptoms, you should immediately contact your healthcare provider.  However, unlike cervical cancer, uterine cancer does not cause fever. Hence, do not wait for a fever to get in line to go to the doctor.

Endometrial Cancer:

Abnormal vaginal discharge, painful intercourse, and pelvic pain are the first sign of this disease. However, in this kind of cancer, you may see fever on and off, especially during your period days, even if you miss them.

Since this cancer is associated with age, you may see a lot of heavy bleeding post-menopause. You should take this bleeding as the most alerting symptom. Another common symptom includes painful or burning urination.


Uterine Cancer:

Unfortunately, we cannot prevent this cancerous disease. However, there are lifestyle changes you can make to reduce your risk of developing uterine cancer.

To help prevent uterine cancer, women should limit their exposure to chemicals in products they wear on their skin, especially near their vaginal area. Moreover, eating clean and healthy food helps reduce exposure to chemicals.

Doctors commonly claim that being physically active and having a healthy weight is a great way to keep yourself from this disease. Studies also show that taking birth control pills can significantly lower the risk of uterine cancer in women.

Endometrial Cancer:

The cause of endometrial cancer is indefinite, while factors are feeding to its possibility. However, certain factors may increase the likelihood of a woman developing the disease.

The biggest and most basic being overweight, having a family history of endometrial cancer, having multiple children at an early age, and being older are all risk factors for endometrial cancer.

Preventing endometrial cancer means having a healthy diet and a physically active lifestyle. Even if you are not overweight, you should always consider these things.

Smoking tends to feed endometrial cancers. Hence, quitting should be your priority. Most importantly, regularly go to the doctor, even if you have a distant family relative with a history.


Uterine Cancer:

This type of cancer can be treated. However, if cancer has already spread to other locations in the body, it becomes difficult to treat. This is no reason to be hopeless. While your doctor can guide you best, we will still tell you the basics of the treatment of Uterine Cancer.

There are many treatment options available for uterine cancer. Surgery and chemotherapy are the two most common treatments. Surgery often treats Stage I cancer, and chemotherapy commonly treats Stage II and III cancer. This may follow up with several other therapies going on the side.

Endometrial Cancer:

The most common treatment is the removal of fallopian tubes, uterus, and ovaries. This can be followed by radiation depending on how far the cancer is spread.

Another option is chemotherapy and hormone therapy. Hormone therapy blocks the hormones that the cancer cells feed on.

It is important to note that either of the treatments for either of the cancers is very emotionally and physically draining. If you know someone going through this, please reach out to support them.


Uterine and endometrial cancer are devastating diseases that disproportionately affect women. Women with endometrial and uterine cancer have worse prognoses than their counterparts. This condition has a substantial emotional impact. The emotional burden of uterine and endometrial cancer increases as women age and get the disease at an older age.

Uterine and endometrial cancer affects more than two million people each year. 1.4 million are diagnosed with uterine cancer, and 600,000 have endometrial cancer. Furthermore, there is a positive association between obesity and endometrial cancer. Therefore, urologic surgeons and oncologists must work together to deliver the best possible treatment for this deadly disease.

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Does Uterine Cancer Cause Decreased Vision? Fri, 10 Jun 2022 09:05:55 +0000 Uterine cancer is caused by abnormal cell accumulation on the uterine lining. According to the American Cancer Society, more than 65,000 people have been diagnosed with cancer. The symptoms of this cancer might differ based on the type of uterine cancer. More than 90 percent of women with this type of cancer develop in the …

The post Does Uterine Cancer Cause Decreased Vision? appeared first on Pinkfor October.

Uterine cancer is caused by abnormal cell accumulation on the uterine lining. According to the American Cancer Society, more than 65,000 people have been diagnosed with cancer.

The symptoms of this cancer might differ based on the type of uterine cancer. More than 90 percent of women with this type of cancer develop in the uterine lining. Whereas in other types of this cancer, a tumour may develop in other muscles and tissues of the uterus (uterine sarcoma).

Patients with this issue might complain about their blurry vision, floaters, and flashers. But how to treat blurry vision caused by uterine cancer?

Treating Blurry Vision in Uterine Cancer

In most cases, you might not develop blurry vision from Uterine cancer. But if you have developed due to these conditions, you will need quality lenses and glasses to deal with your blurry vision. According to experts, you can save your vision from getting blurry if you use high-quality and authentic blue light glasses.

However, not all brands offer authentic glasses. And often these glasses cost too much. But if you want to purchase top-notch bluelight and authentic glasses at the lowest prices, you can use SmartBuyGlasses promo codes.

Even if you didn’t find the glasses that suit all your needs there, you can buy it from other brands and get quality glasses and lenses at discounted prices, as well. For example, you can check out Lensvision discount coupons and find the glasses you need there.

Symptoms of Uterine Cancer

It should be noted that blurry vision is not one of the main symptoms of uterine cancer.

In the beginning stages of this cancer, your body might not notice any significant symptoms. But if symptoms develop, a patient might experience vaginal bleeding during the menstrual cycle or right after menopause.

The amount of bleeding can vary from blood spotting to watery discharges with blood to even a heavier flow. Some other signs of this cancer are:

  • Painful urination.
  • Pains during intercourse.
  • Urination frequency increases.
  • Persisting pain or cramps in the pelvic region.
  • Anaemia.
  • Sudden weight loss.
  • Blurry vision in rare cases.

Risk Factors Associated with Uterine Cancer

Various factors are at play to make you more vulnerable to these conditions.

Your likelihood of developing these conditions increases with age because most uterine cancer cases occur after 50.

High-fat diets also significantly increase the risk of cancer. Fatty foods are high in calories and lead to obesity, which can play an integral role in the development of uterine cancer.

Some parents also pass their genetic mutation on for hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer. And this condition can also increase the risk of developing uterine cancer.

Diabetes is often directly related to obesity, and it increases the risk of the development of any cancer, including uterine cancer. However, some studies directly relate diabetes to uterine cancer.

Excess body weight always contributes to developing different cancers, including uterine cancer. Some hormones change into oestrogen due to fat tissue, increasing the chance of developing cancer.

With certain ovarian diseases and tumours, oestrogen levels increase, and progesterone levels decrease. With these changes in hormones, there is a huge risk of cancer.

What Causes Uterine Cancer?

Medical science is not too sure what is the cause of this type of cancer. This condition occurs due to some changes that occur in the cells of the uterus. Those cells grow and multiply quickly, and when they get out of control, it forms a tumour.

Certain risk factors tend to increase the chances of developing this type of cancer. Therefore, immediate medical assistance is needed if you are at high risk of developing this cancer.

Can Uterine Cancer Cause Decreased Vision?

When you go through the most common signs and symptoms of uterine cancer, blurry vision is not one of them. In some cases, patients have to deal with blurry vision and are diagnosed with uterine cancer.

But signs and symptoms of this cancer can also vary from person to person and past medical records and family history. But you can’t directly write off blurry vision as one of the symptoms of this cancer. It occurs due to hormonal changes in the body.

Final Thoughts

Blurry or decreased vision might not be one of the common signs or symptoms of uterine cancer. These symptoms vary from person to person, and there have been some recent cases where uterine cancer patients have complained about blurry or decreased vision.

So, it is better to take advantage of that by using quality contact lenses and glasses available from top quality companies at discounted rates using coupon codes from Promocodius. You need to seek immediate medical assistance if you see the above-mentioned symptoms so any issues can be contained because things get out of hand.

The post Does Uterine Cancer Cause Decreased Vision? appeared first on Pinkfor October.

How a woman can stay healthy after 40 years Wed, 05 Jan 2022 12:18:02 +0000 Age-related changes in the female body Many women are faced with the question of whether they want to act now or act later. You need to understand what happens to a woman at 40 before taking action. This age is typically referred to as “The Golden Age.” Starting at this period of life, the body …

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Age-related changes in the female body

Many women are faced with the question of whether they want to act now or act later. You need to understand what happens to a woman at 40 before taking action. This age is typically referred to as “The Golden Age.” Starting at this period of life, the body will undergo a natural decline in female sex hormones. This leads to lower levels of estrogen in the blood. Menopause usually sets in with menopausal symptoms like decrease in size of uterus, ovaries and breasts, irregular menstrual cycle, visibly aging changes; the body also loses its flexibility. The skin becomes drier and looser. Age spots, wrinkles appear.

At 40, many people experience hair loss that can make it thinner, less lush and noticeable. Hair loss may seem like an issue only on your head, but it applies to other areas of the body too like the legs or groin.

The changes will also affect the brain and its activity. For some, it might be more difficult to process large amounts of information and solve complex logical problems in their head. It’s well-known that irritability is correlated with estrogen decline. However, over time, your brain gets used to lower levels of estrogen and stops creating less neurotransmitters than it usually does. Consequently, the level of memory improves.

Factors determining a woman’s health after 40 years

The changes that happen to women after age 40 have a negative impact on their psychology. To help them, you need to identify the factors that are having an influence on their bodily functions and state.

So, changes in adulthood occur for the following reasons:

• improper nutrition;

• lack of adequate care;

• hormonal changes;

• deterioration of metabolism;

• deterioration of the excretory system;

• low physical activity and lack of sports in the life of a lady;

• decreased immunity.

These risk factors contribute to the reduced blood circulation and reduced oxygen supply to cells and tissues. The epidermis looses its tone and elasticity, the work of sweat and sebaceous glands is disrupted, the amount of subcutaneous fat increases. In parallel, muscle mass is lost.

Healthy lifestyle

In order to remedy the problem and support a healthier 40-year-old life, you should think of adding different supplements for your body’s stability. First of all, it is time to rethink your lifestyle and pay more attention to your health.

To keep your body in shape, it is important to add some physical activity to your morning routine. You could try some light workouts, gym classes or more vigorous sports. The key is to get up and moving!

Yes, you have to be outside more. Walking is a great activity that can be combined with exercise. This kind of regime will give your body an oxygen supply and slow down its natural ageing process

Proper nutrition

With aging, there are various changes that happen to the female body – the reasons behind which could be lack of necessary vitamins, minerals and substances.

To avoid or delay the onset of age-related transformations, your diet should include the following vitamins.s:

• Vitamin C.

• Retinol. Vitamin A.

• Group B.

• Tocopherol. Vitamin E.

You need to take things like potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc & selenium. The body also needs magnesium. There are many foods that should be part of a healthy diet, including: meats and fish, vegetables, fruits, cereals/grains, soy products, nuts and beans. Eggs and dairy are also essential provided they come from organic sources. Apart from drinking enough water, it’s also important to limit the intake of alcohol, sugar, salt, smoked food, fats and fast-food.

The body should limit the intake of fat through dietary sources. You can swap table salt with soy sauce for a low-sodium option, but you should only do so in moderation. Alcohol is only allowed weekly, and the maximum amount is one glass of dry, red wine.

Your dishes can be baked, boiled or cooked in a double boiler. Grilling is sometimes allowed as well. Frying food in a pans must be discarded as these foods are high in fat and come with carcinogens that can make you more vulnerable to cancer.

Sleep and rest

To maintain good health, it’s important to be mindful about changes in your daily routine. You should not overexert yourself and rest fully. To do this, you can use the advice of experts:

• sleep should be at least 7-8 hours;

• you must go to bed no later than 22.00;

• The rise should take place approximately at the same time;

• to create a comfortable atmosphere for sleeping, the room must be ventilated in advance;

• it is not recommended to watch TV before going to bed;

• you can take a warm bath for relaxation;

• Scented candles or sticks can be lit in the bedroom;

Additional benefits are the use of sedatives. However, you can consult a doctor in case of any doubts regarding the appointment. If there are no indications for medicines, we recommend drinking a decoction of mint or linden before going to bed.

Not getting enough sleep or a poor quality sleep can have a negative an impact on a woman’s health & appearance. Not getting enough sleep can lead to many health-related issues, including heart disease and stroke.

Sports and gymnastics

Girls are changing because they are not moving around as much. The more sedentary an individual’s job is, the more likely they are to experience problems such as reduced pelvic blood flow and decreased metabolism. It also becomes inflexible and stiff throughout the body. You may deal with pulling pains every now and then.

Exercise is a great way to keep your mind and body healthy. It strengthens your muscles, boosts your immune system, and keeps you fit both mentally and physically. When you use a humidifier at night, the skin absorbs more oxygen. This results in healthier and more hydrated skin, giving you a younger appearance!

Skin care

Aging means a variety of changes to your skin. This could be wrinkles, age spots, or any other unwanted change. The more dry and wrinkly a person’s skin becomes, the harder it is to move it. Excessive production of melanin may lead to the formation of dark spots on the skin. As a result, a beauty regimen and well-groomed appearance may be forgotten.

Specialist advice is the key to avoiding this:

• Protection. SPF creams should be applied to skin at all times. For summer, I would suggest using the products with the highest SPF protection. If you’re looking for winter (20 units) of heat, it will be enough.

• Massage. The procedure improves the oxygen supply of cells and other substances that are needed. This has a positive impact on blood circulation and the supply of cells with oxygen.

• Care. The skin needs moisturizing and peeling processes in order to keep it healthy. Some of these can be done at home.

You should also take care of your vitamin intake and diet, which invariably affects the condition of your skin.

Face care

To maintain your youthful look, you need to pay special attention to your face. Your facial skin needs around the clock care in order to look its best. This includes cleansing, nutrition and hydration with the right products and protection against the sun. In addition, there are a number of recommendations one must follow:

• The day cream should be applied thinly over the other cosmetics so that it can maintain moisture and elasticity. Nighttime capsule should be used 30 minutes before retiring to bed

• Sleep only on a low pillow, face up.

• To strengthen the muscle frame, you need to regularly do exercises that are called – face building.

• In a specialized salon you can do a rejuvenating facial massage.

• Pigmented spots are lightened with special creams, lotions, masks and others.

Hair care

The use of chemicals, excessive sun exposure, styling tools etc. all cause the hair to get worse over time. They lose their luster and become dull and lifeless. In adulthood, hair growth slows down and people naturally lose hairs. After shaving my head, not a trace remains from my thick hair.

If you want your hair to look glorious, then manage your hair using a wide array of products, including supplements, scalp & facial massages or masks. Use high-quality beauty care products on the top of all of that for the ultimate effect. It is important to include plant estrogens to the diet. These are foods that contain plant estrogens, vegetables, various fruits. Fish, marine products or herbs can also be these factors enhancing female hormone health.

Head massage and contrast treatments can have a beneficial effect not only on hair and skin, but also on brain activity.

The post How a woman can stay healthy after 40 years appeared first on Pinkfor October.

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